releasing your inner power
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Assuming responsibility consciously

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Choosing to step up and take responsibility is a powerful thing and something which, when done consciously and from a pure heart, brings forth great inner power which can also be very magnetic. If we consider the word responsibility itself, it is describing the ability to respond. At its highest level, to have the ability to respond in a way that is filled with the purity of a loving energy and for that to be the case we must first consider our motives.

As leaders are we seeking to assume responsibility to enlarge our outer power, our power over? Or to strengthen our own sense of self and self-image? This type of responsibility can only ever lead to a corruption of the power that can come with increased responsibility – especially when correlated with hierarchical position. That corruption of power may be deliberately self-serving, or it may be hapless with unintended consequences because of a lack of clarity of motive and readiness.

Hopefully, in assuming true responsibility, we are first examining why we feel we are choosing to do this. To what extent is this a reaction to conditioning – familial, social, national – in which taking greater responsibility, being seemingly more ‘adult’, equates to receiving more love or power or success? Is it about duty and a sense of something we must do, that we have no choice in, such as when a monarch assumes their role or a family member feels they must step up within a family? This often comes with great sacrifice and requires a healthy process of self-awareness and evolution to be able to assume the responsibility with grace and love.

Being clear on our reasoning and motivation behind responsibility allows us to enter into relationship with it from a much clearer and cleaner energy. Ideally, we assume greater responsibility only when we are sure we are passionate about the purpose for doing so. When we can do so with a loving heart and a joyful spirit. When we are truly able to offer our full self to the function and role.

Choosing responsibility consciously is then a beautiful and powerful service to the world whether within a family, a community or on the world stage.