releasing your inner power
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Staying in our lane or stepping out and up

We don’t know what we’re capable of until we have a go either under our own steam or prompted/pushed by events. Too often we ‘stay in our lane’, staying safe, doing what we know and looking to consistently improve in that space. The responsibilities in our life – personal and professional – can keep us...

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The heart of elite performance

We can learn much about self-leadership and team work from the sporting jamboree happening now in Paris. Central to the Olympics are two ideals – that of Corinthian Spirit which is the embodiment of sportsmanship; and the Olympic motto…’Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together.’ For Corinthian Spirit in leading in organisations we can read ‘doing the...

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In search of feminine qualities in leadership

If we want to thrive in today’s more volatile and dynamic world, we may wish to consider how we continue the journey to incorporate more feminine qualities within our leadership practise. Of course it’s very easy to become caught up in the polarities when speaking about a more feminine style of leadership. The temptation to...

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On generosity

In the week since my friend and colleague @LorraineFlower and I published our second book – Heartful Business: leading with the world in mind – we’ve been on the receiving end of others’ generosity in supporting its first steps out into the world for which we are immensely grateful. This well of support got me...

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Preparing ourselves for the age of groups

Preparing ourselves for the age of groups

For much of our lives we are focused on fulfilling our potential as individuals. We are taught to express our physical and intellectual talents especially. If we are lucky, we may be supported to express and fulfil our desires, our love and our ideals. Over time, we hopefully come to a place where we have...

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The age of ‘we’ versus self-interest Yes

The age of ‘we’ versus self-interest

I was reading an article in the Guardian a while ago reflecting on the need for everyone to move toward a ‘we’ mind-set rather than one of self interest if we are to navigate the global crises facing our world today. Aside from any political motives, it brings to the fore key principles that are...

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