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A leadership challenge

A leadership challenge
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There are, as we know, a plethora of leadership models, frameworks, qualities and quotes that define leadership, and we can be forgiven for being somewhat confused about what the definitive description of leadership really is.

To come to new answers or insights on this question it is important to elevate the thinking beyond the conditioning of the past, even in cases where we are trying to add new qualities that feel right for a more balanced definition. For example we know that many of the descriptions contain a very masculine energy – using language such as drive, achievement, delivery (though in this case that’s really about management), self-reliance, power, authority. When we look at modern day language about leadership it now includes more feminine language such as vulnerability, inclusion, supportive and this is very important.

If we were, though, to elevate the discussion to another level and explore more androgynous or future focused words that include both masculine and feminine it could potentially take us to some interesting places. For example, what if we were to describe leadership as a deep commitment to the greater good. What could this evoke as an expression of leadership in its truest sense? Or the capacity to move beyond the concrete, material, physical phenomena and to connect with more subtle and intuitive energies. What might that bring forward by way of leadership practices?

We could also consider defining leadership as ‘presence’ – a state of being that is both strong and powerful and subtle and magnetic.

So, the challenge is this – if you were defining the ‘new leadership’ for the future what criteria would be in the centre for you?