releasing your inner power
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Going high and staying there

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Now we’re on the other side of our own national election in the UK we may be watching on with (at times horrified) fascination at the scenario playing out across the Atlantic as the US approaches another 4-year turn in its Presidency and Government.

Back in Obama time there was a philosophy in his campaigning that where the other side went low he would stay high i.e. out of mud-slinging and personal attacks. Clearly, the Democrats, including the Obamas, have abandoned that high ground in the 2024 election, choosing to fight fire with fire. Maybe these means justify the end in this case but such tactics, inevitably, become a race to the bottom with the choice made by the electorate likely less than informed.

The broader issue is one of leadership – among many things leadership should inspire and elevate and we’re surely not seeing much of that. As leaders in business we can and must set a different note, be the living example of the leadership that the world needs and that seems to be on pause, at the least, on the world stage.

In many ways the stage is set…the past few editions of Edelman’s global annual trust survey show business as being more trusted and seen as more competent than Governments.

We must inhabit this space consistently – acting with integrity, acting ethically, tuning in to our moral compass when the going gets tough and a short-cut would be easier and cheaper than doing the right thing.

Most people grow up knowing right from wrong but lines can get blurred when the pressure is on, the challenges coming thick and fast, and we are called on to save the day. At such times quiet reflection, connecting with both our heart and our higher self will give us both right direction and the courage to move that way.

Whenever we are tempted to go low we must choose to go or stay high, whatever the provocation, and set the standards that will, ultimately, shift our world to a better one for all.