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Making relationship real

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Work is probably the only place we are forced into relationship with others rather than having the freedom to choose. From day one in any role, at whatever level, there are people we need to relate to well to enable our contribution, to get things done, to create a culture where people feel valued, and able, and willing, to bring their best.

Yet given these relationships are ‘enforced’ we perhaps give them less attention than they need, especially when there is the intense focus on task performance that characterises most organisational life.

When we’re deferring relationship building to a point where we have more time and space we may remind ourselves of two things…

· That perfect time will likely never come

· The principle of interdependence – the idea that everything/everyone is connected

So, don’t we owe it to ourselves, our colleagues, our organisation and all its stakeholders to invest in building this web of interconnectedness to be the best it can possibly be, relationship by relationship?

For leaders that means prioritising relationship building not as a task but as a way of being, taking every opportunity to connect with those we’re responsible for. Listening deeply to their ideas, perspectives, concerns and motivations. Helping them connect with the organisation’s purpose and the value their contribution brings to its achievement.

Where genuine, high-quality relationship are fostered trust flourishes, communication flows, individuals find a greater sense of meaning in the effort they bring each day and bring their best.

The power of high-quality relationships is realised too in the level of co-operation and collaboration within teams and between teams and colleagues across the business. The work and solutions that result are of a higher quality and are delivered more quickly and effectively and with greater impact.

When it comes to relationship we can wait for right timing or focus right here, right now on building right relationship.