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Mediocre or magical?

Mediocre or magical?
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The pandemic was possibly a once in a generation event (let’s hope so). And in that trial for the human family most businesses suffered. Many have survived and are now thriving once more. Others have gone to the wall.

Why, we may ask. What sets some on the path to sustainability and the elevated path of thriveability while others flounder and fail? What’s the magic formula?

Perhaps for some there’s a mind-set that says let’s recover our losses…do the same old thing but at a higher cost, maybe under the blind of the cost of living crisis. Maybe there’s a mind-set that says we’ll do the basics as people will be so glad of normality that they won’t notice this is sub-optimal, less than they’ve come to expect of us.

And then, possibly, there’s a mind-set that says we’re going to go all in and all out to show how much we care about our product, our service, our people, our customers and clients, and about our contribution to the world.

At the heart of this latter mind-set is a higher purpose invested with love…a love of what we do, a love of our people, a love of the people we serve, and a love of being in service to the now and to creating a better future for the world we inhabit.

As leaders we must invest all that we do with love, with heart, with passion. Only then can we shift from the mediocre to the magical, from the basic to the brilliance that inspires the people we lead and engages our customers and clients in creating a better world for all.