releasing your inner power
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The new leadership archetypes

The new leadership archetypes
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The number of leadership archetypes that exist within our cultures is extensive. We have the hero knight, benevolent king, the powerful protector, the tyrant, the gracious queen, the sage and the maverick plus many more. More often than not when we speak of leadership we are often referring to a hierarchical position, someone senior or THE leadership, the collective body that usually directs an organisation or group.

What if we started to think about leadership as something that sits within every single person? As a quality, a way of being that each of us, regardless of function or position is not only able to bring forward but which is respected and impactful. We often see this more widespread leadership emerge in challenging situations where those who wouldn’t normally describe themselves as leaders show clear leadership qualities. They step forward, speak up, take action in ways that in their own mind, may not be an act of leadership but which very often is.

A we reflect on the evolution of our world and the era we have arrived at now, it is becoming increasingly clear that we are in need of a leadership culture that is far more widespread. Not one based on position, hierarchy or function. But one based on qualities, morals, ethics and behaviours. A leadership culture where each and every one of us finds the courage to step up and take responsibility for the world we are creating. Where we inspire each other to live by a higher set of values based on compassion, kindness and care.

The Ukrainian crisis shows us so clearly we need humanitarian leaders. The planetary crisis shows us we need ecological and sustainability leaders. The challenges facing each and every family and individual shows us we need community/neighbourhood leaders and relationship leaders. The political crises invite us to become political leaders with a difference – focused on solutions not partisan politics.

There is so much space and opportunity for new leadership archetypes to be born in this time of major transformation in human evolution. The question is have we the courage to release our inner leader?