I’ve attended a few online sessions in the past couple of weeks. All of them promised learning (even in the fine print) yet turned out to be sales webinars aimed at getting people signed up for a range of support services or development programmes. Scanning the meeting Chat showed others were also feeling less than positive about the experience.
For any business marketing is an important aspect of our day-to-day operations. But, as we all know, promising one thing and delivering another (unless it is better than original expectation) is going to undermine trust. Will customers and wider stakeholders grant a second chance? Maybe. Maybe not.
It brings into relief a deeper issue for organisational leaders – that of congruence between what’s offered and what’s delivered. One way or another it touches all stakeholders.
Imagine the organisation that’s loud and proud about its high environmental principles yet takes action that is completely counter to that ideal. Or the organisation that makes EDI a core element of its strategy to attract and retain talented people but suspends this practice if there are financial or political headwinds. Employees may feel they’ve been ‘hooked’ by fine words rather than committing into something substantial.
And if we come down to the fine detail of the day-to-day, in many of our conversations we are making commitments or promises.
Are we doing so consciously or casually?
Peer to peer, team leader to team member, and vice versa, this flow of requests and promises is core to our work (and indeed any) relationship. Where commitments are kept and expectations met trust rises, relationship deepens and the quality of work and individual experience are elevated.
The key thing here is to make our promises consciously, in integrity and with understanding of the commitment we are making and the impact if it is unkept. So, how consciously are your promises made?