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Transforming our relationship with service

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Wherever we look we’re surrounded by examples of service – the purely transactional of a service provided for which we pay (smile optional) through to the more noble and life impacting work of health and emergency services and the armed forces.

In our own lives, when we really think about it, everything we do is in service of something – it might be for our comfort, gratification, security, or wellbeing, among others. It might be supporting and enhancing the lives of our family and friends.

Though we may not see it like this leadership too is an act of service. Often this is for the advancement of the organisation and the enrichment of shareholders (a norm enforced by decades of practice). But what if we expanded that focus in ways that significantly amplified our contribution.

At azzur we define great leadership as an act of service, not just to the organisation and its people but to the wider world. Service, to the world and for the greater good, was one of our founding principles and drives our work.

That service starts at home, with us making a choice and a shift in our mind-set to one of serving something bigger and beyond our own interests, to stewardship not ownership. It is expressed in the way we treat our people, and the empowering culture we create in which they can grow and thrive. It flows out into more trusting relationship with customers. It sees a shift from shareholder to stakeholder focus so that all connected with the organisation feel positive benefit.

And it extends the definition of stakeholder to encompass the planet, considering our service as contributing to a better world for all. Decisions and actions are taken within this bigger frame and in supporting prosperity for all, both for now and for future generations.

Our step into this way of leading may be small or big. It will certainly require our courage. Yet when we look at our world how can we resist the challenge.

How’s your relationship with your service?