The world over we can see conflict from the macro – nations bearing arms against each other, with catastrophic human cost – to the micro – sharp words exchanged between those who know each other, as well as those who don’t. Though the disputed ‘territory’ will be different in each case and the damage substantially...
One of the side effects for many of the prolonged ‘lockdowns’ that I’ve heard mentioned, and indeed notice in myself, is a tendency toward becoming ‘settled’ or institutionalised in non-action. Whether it’s the simple things like getting on a train or plane, going to a restaurant or back to the physical workplace or something bigger...
So many of the attributes often associated with great leadership come from the masculine energy dimension – action, logic, boldness, physical strength, discipline, self-control and so on. These attributes have facilitated many great achievements in the hands of some leaders and wrought unhelpful destruction in the hands of others when taken to extremes. At this...