releasing your inner power
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September 2024

Going high and staying there

Now we’re on the other side of our own national election in the UK we may be watching on with (at times horrified) fascination at the scenario playing out across the Atlantic as the US approaches another 4-year turn in its Presidency and Government. Back in Obama time there was a philosophy in his campaigning...

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Becoming a business ‘edgewalker’

It’s a strange term isn’t it – ‘edgewalking’ and yet a very powerful concept for the role many leaders need to be undertaking in organisations in these times. If we consider the boundary line between the old and the new, the current reality and new changed state we find the line often occupied by edgewalkers....

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Staying in our lane or stepping out and up

We don’t know what we’re capable of until we have a go either under our own steam or prompted/pushed by events. Too often we ‘stay in our lane’, staying safe, doing what we know and looking to consistently improve in that space. The responsibilities in our life – personal and professional – can keep us...

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