releasing your inner power
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A leadership superpower

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When we look at the ever-growing list of capabilities leaders need to lead well and consider the rapidly changing, uncertain and often ambiguous context in which organisations must operate the temptation to give up may be strong.

Yet we know that’s not really an option.

Of course no one can claim all the capabilities on the leadership list – we all have our strengths and our gaps. If we’re smart we draw on those around us to cover the gaps, allowing those best equipped and most gifted to step up and lead as the occasion demands.

But there’s one capability we mustn’t delegate. It is a true leadership superpower, unlocking engagement, loyalty and performance in others and supporting our ability to navigate the fog of uncertainty clouding the organisational world. Empathy.

With empathy we’re seeing our colleagues – team members and those across the wider organisation as human beings. We’re treating them with care and kindness even when tough calls have to be made. Showing we value them. Research has found that when people are on the receiving end of rudeness at work, their performance suffers and they are less likely to help others.

With empathy we’re listening deeply to their hopes, challenges and perspectives and stepping into their shoes, viewing the world from their vantage point. New perspectives take shape. A different appreciation of the world, and the challenges before us, emerges, informing wiser and higher quality choices.

Cultivating our ability to extend empathy can be a real game changer for us and others…it’s a true leadership superpower (though other superpowers are available).