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A mindful revolution

A mindful revolution
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I was musing with a friend in the past few days over the state of the world and how we might fix/save it. Dramatic as that may sound it’s a question that already concerns many and should concern us all.

Central to our musing was what cataclysmic event would galvanise us into the action needed, especially in those parts of the world, including the UK, where life is relatively cossetted for many, notwithstanding the cost-of-living crisis, hosepipe bans, political chaos, etc.

Yet waiting for cataclysm to kick us beyond complacency or inertia is hardly a realistic strategy. Waiting for the powers in our world to move beyond conflict to collaboration will be leaving it too late.

If we want a better world we all need to step into our leadership right now and to do so mindfully. Whatever we do individually might feel like a drop in a vast ocean of needed change but that’s no excuse for inaction.

We can be mindful about the thoughts we put out into the world, ensuring they are positive rather than stoking conflict. We can be mindful about how we treat (with kindness) and include others. We can be mindful about our consumption of resources using, for example, less water, switching off appliances when not in use, recycling everything that we don’t use. We can set an example on many fronts and gently encourage others to do the same.

It’s way too late to equivocate. Surely the way forward is to join our fellow humanity in the power of individual action to generate a collective difference.