releasing your inner power
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Boundless accountability

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What is our accountability and responsibility to step fully into our leadership capability in service of a better world? Some might argue that there are different responses to accountability and responsibility and that’s true if we consider leadership in a formal, positional sense. But what if we deeply acknowledge our fundamental identity as leaders, regardless of the position we hold – what then?

Isn’t it fair to assume that anyone with the freedom to self determine, the capability to think more deeply about world conditions and to apply their talents to finding solutions has some degree, at least, of accountability and responsibility to step up and create a better world for all.

That might be through micro movements in the way they change their own life through better, more ‘other’ minded choices linked to sustainability, well-being, kindness and compassion, the list is endless. It might be that they are free, ‘able’, willing, driven to create macro changes through activism, world changing projects, education, again the list is endless.

At the root of all of it is deciding what level of accountability and responsibility we are each willing to take and how will we utilise our leadership capabilities – self leadership and inspiring others to do better, day after day.