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In search of feminine qualities in leadership

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If we want to thrive in today’s more volatile and dynamic world, we may wish to consider how we continue the journey to incorporate more feminine qualities within our leadership practise. Of course it’s very easy to become caught up in the polarities when speaking about a more feminine style of leadership. The temptation to head down the road of good/bad, better/worse, success/failure masculine versus feminine and so on can distract us from the work needed.

If we open to a more curious and appreciative stance, firstly we have already made an initial step into feminine qualities, and secondly, we may find that in fact we possess many feminine qualities that we just aren’t that practised in using. Which may be our own reticence or because the culture of our organisation is less appreciative or less valuing of them. At their peril, I might add.

Qualities such as inclusivity, seeking collaboration and unification, valuing diverse inputs, appreciating beauty and creativity, using powers of sensing and feeling, holding space for things to find their level/right place rather than forcing them into shape…all qualities that enable greater flexibility and expansion in a non-linear world. And let’s face it, the world never was linear we just thought we could make it so.

What qualities would you add?