releasing your inner power
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Indulgence or worthwhile investment?

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In a working world that is ‘always on’, how comfortable are we in allowing ourselves time out for self-reflection? Though it’s an invaluable investment aren’t we likely to put this on to the ‘get to later’ pile or on the ‘self-indulgent’ (and, therefore, never to be visited) pile.

Yet here’s the thing, ‘booking a meeting with oneself’ is an act of leadership, providing we use the time wisely, to bring insight and perspective.

So how do we make this ‘meeting’ meaningful? First there’s the discipline of making it happen that means setting time aside where we will be uninterrupted and protecting it. There’s something about gathering the data: the what we did, how and why in each period under review; and the feedback of others on what they observed and how they experienced us.

And there’s a commitment to self to show up and be honest. Not to beat ourselves up but to explore honestly, with acceptance, and openness to making the adjustments for better.

The data stream can then inform our reflection as we ask ourselves some or all of the following:

  • What have I achieved and how has this contributed to/been of service to colleagues, the organisation, the wider world? What have I learned that I can carry forward?
  • What has gone less well and what was my part in that? What have I learned that I can do differently?
  • Who and where am I in my own life?
  • How have I been showing up? What impacts am I having?

Of course, these are just a starter for 10…you will undoubtedly have your own questions. The key thing is to make the investment.