releasing your inner power
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No time for fear
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Fear is a vital factor in human survival…it protects us in the face of the ‘grizzly bears’ we encounter in life. The challenge though is to know when a fear-based response, running away, burying our heads etc. is the right response and when courage is what’s required. 

Our systems are crumbling. Uncertainty is rife. Physical wellbeing and safety are being threatened. However responding to these factors as though they were a grizzly isn’t going to help. The risk though is that we give in to fear when what is needed is considered and courageous action.

If we dig deeper into our hearts, access our courage and lift our sights to a higher consciousness where a new world is evident (if we connect deeply enough), we will find many resources to support us and find our path forward. 

Resources such as trust and belief in our fellow humans that we can and will choose love over hate. Spreading joy and seeing the beauty in life. Knowing that for the new to arrive the old must be let go…however painfully that process unfolds. Courage not fear…a leadership quality needed from all.