releasing your inner power
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Optimism required

Optimism required
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When times are tough (could they be any tougher than now?) accentuating the positive might seem like a fool’s errand. As a leader being relentlessly positive and encouraging the same in others may feel out of touch, lacking empathy, ‘Pollyanna-ish’.

An optimistic mind-set doesn’t preclude empathy rather it brings a different focus to our challenges, helping us reframe the problems we face as opportunities to test ourselves, to learn, grow and progress. It paints a picture of a brighter future and energises the path towards it.

Holding a belief in that better future fuels a willingness to take action, to approach problems creatively and to experiment. Risks are factored in but not allowed to become disablers.

We know from much research that the leader’s mood spreads in a team and organisation. And positive moods are said to spread faster than negative.

Setting the example is key – being disciplined about checking our own mind-set, behaviours, communication to ensure something more negative isn’t creeping in. Then we can start to focus on some of the simple levers that induce more positivity.

Regularly reflecting on and expressing what we’re grateful for and encouraging others to develop a similar practice. Ensuring that we recognise and celebrate successes, however small, with our people. Reframing challenges as opportunities. And seeking out those areas of work and practices where we can make small, positive changes, together, using the principle of making ‘one step to better’.