releasing your inner power
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The heart of elite performance

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We can learn much about self-leadership and team work from the sporting jamboree happening now in Paris. Central to the Olympics are two ideals – that of Corinthian Spirit which is the embodiment of sportsmanship; and the Olympic motto…’Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together.’

For Corinthian Spirit in leading in organisations we can read ‘doing the right thing’ – a quality that distinguishes leading from managing – whilst the ‘Together’ that concludes the Olympic motto is a reminder that exceptional achievement is achieved with and through others, in collaboration.

Elite performance in any walk of life isn’t achieved by raw talent alone. Dedication, discipline, relentless focus and a willingness to experiment and adapt, to make the changes that are needed, are all qualities that are present.

And even if all these are part of our practice, we need more…to bring our heart into the equation so that we have the courage to step over the starting line, the discernment and wisdom to make the right choices in the moment, and the connection to inspiration from a higher source that helps us exceed our expected limits.

And then there’s our team. Behind every successful athlete at the Games there’s a team of equally dedicated, disciplined and focused people, bringing their heart and soul to the cause. So too with great leaders who include and listen deeply to those around them and have the humility to recognise and value every contribution in our collective endeavour.