releasing your inner power
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The invisible web of interconnectedness

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My Facebook feed is full of reminders that we are all connected. That what shapes as a thought in my mind will be transmitted even if I don’t speak it out loud. That what sits in my heart…love, anger, irritation, compassion…is radiating out and I have a responsibility to be aware and constructively transform anything that may impose on another in a hurtful or unhelpful way.

Learning to express ourselves, consciously and unconsciously at a higher octave of love is a never-ending journey for most of us.

For leadership to find its next higher octave requires an acknowledgement of the deeply wired levels of connection between all living things. If you’ve seen the film Avatar you’ll have spotted the myriad light filaments that painted the picture of that interconnectedness in a visceral way. Our interconnectedness may not be as visible as those in that beautiful film but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Leaders can transform their impact if each day they seek to visualise those webs of interconnectedness on all levels, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual – even though they may seem intangible and therefore risk being dismissed. Uplifting our thoughts, expressing more love and overcoming our irritation are all ways of nourishing the web of interconnectedness.