releasing your inner power
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The power of transitions

The power of transitions
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Moving from one state to another is a critical part of transformation. We know that our world is facing many opportunities or provocations to transform on a profound level. Transforming the quality of our relationships locally, across communities and nations that we may truly base them in love, respect and goodwill. Transforming our attitudes to economic and social well-being that we may adopt a true commitment to sharing and thereby elevate the fundamentals that provide quality of life for all.

There is, though, a critical stage in any transformation and that is when we transition from the old to the new. Transition is where we are called to pause and enter a space where we are conscious of that which we are letting go and that which we are letting come – the new. In the space of transition we have the opportunity to really test our commitment and presence with the change that is happening.

With transition we properly witness that which must decay – honouring its past role and value yet consciously loosening its ties on our consciousness and behaviours. Transition is a space where we face our resistance and our acceptance – the pause in the relentless motion of our life where we really do the work needed to take us from one state to another.

Transitions can happen quickly or take longer depending on many factors – being aware of their value will build our recognition and acceptance of them and our active and intentional use of the space.