releasing your inner power
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The quality choice

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It’s a little mind-blowing to think that in 2024 there are elections in 64 countries in the world, more so that 42 per cent of the world’s population are eligible to cast their vote…to choose the next leaders of their nations and, to an extent, the collective leadership of our world.

So, many of us have an important choice to make. Of course, given the state of the political scene we may feel we have no choice at all or we may just abstain. But this inaction is a choice too.

Choice is one of the privileges of being human – of having the opportunity to consider and weigh options – and it comes with responsibility, especially where our decisions impact others, where we are leading a team or organisation.

How often though do we exercise this privilege casually or a least mono-dimensionally, rather than with the serious intent it deserves? We may consider evidence, facts, data in making our decision – it’s a mental exercise and the generally accepted approach. Yet when it really matters we need more – a felt sense of what’s right here through some quiet reflection, connecting heart and head and opening ourselves to intuition.

In doing so we’re giving ourselves the best chance of doing the right thing for all, making a decision of a higher quality and one we can truly own whether that’s a decision for our team or organisation, or where we place our vote.