releasing your inner power
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Valuing the same and different

Valuing the same and different
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The world over we can see conflict from the macro – nations bearing arms against each other, with catastrophic human cost – to the micro – sharp words exchanged between those who know each other, as well as those who don’t.

Though the disputed ‘territory’ will be different in each case and the damage substantially greater the bigger the conflict and number of people involved, every conflict, no matter its size, is a problem for all, emitting, as it does, a negative energy into the environment we inhabit.

We need a different way, a better approach, for the sake of the one and the many. And really doesn’t it all come down to the one and to how each of us starts to come from a place of appreciating our similarity with the other, recognising a fellow human being with the perfections and flaws, triumphs and challenges we all have?

From this place of recognition, we can then surely start to inquire into differences, to learn from each other, to deepen our understanding, to expand our own world view. Embracing diversity in this way, from the stability of common ground, will enable us to explore, co-operate and collaborate more effectively.

This isn’t about giving up our passion for an issue or buckling into compliance, or reaching a wishy-washy compromise. It’s about challenging our own beliefs and attitudes. About dialogue. About synthesising a more powerful outcome, with the positive fiery energy of both parties at heart, that serves all and emits positive rather than negative energy into the world.

Valuing both similarity and difference and fostering that in our relationships, our groups, teams, organisations and beyond is something we can do every day in service of building a better world. Isn’t each of us examining how we’re doing in this part of that service?