releasing your inner power
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What comes first?

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Often our most important work gets left until last – until it’s to late to do our best work. Until the issue has mushroomed or the time to realise the opportunity has evaporated. We only have to look at the world’s Government’s rowing back on climate change commitments to see this in action.

Whether the work needed is daunting or, as is often the case, doesn’t inspire us, as leaders we need to tackle it first not last. Summoning our courage or sparking our interest in the challenge if not the actual work.

That complex report that gets left until the deadline looms, that tension between team members or between our team and another that’s likely to become conflict if unresolved, that reorganisation that will enable greater effectiveness but be unpopular with some colleagues. They’re all things, along with many others, that may get put off.

If we’re tempted to delay we must also consider whether we are impacting others. We may be squeezing their opportunity to do their best work. We may be creating unnecessary stress. And, we may be setting the example and giving permission to sideline what’s important.

When it comes to your important work what choices are you making?