releasing your inner power
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What should we believe?

What should we believe?
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The level of misinformation surrounding us these days is so pervasive and toxic that it’s possible to lose all sense of equilibrium and ‘truth’ even when exchanging views with long-standing friends and colleagues.

Of course, truth can be both factual and perceptual. For example, there are many ‘truths’ or what we might call ‘deep knowing’ that we may hold, and which others would dispute from a provable or factual perspective, for example reincarnation.

The impact of the imbalance and lack of centredness caused by misinformation can be emotional unrest and even fear, and for this reason it’s especially important that we find our own touchstone for our truth. Not borne out of stubborn beliefs that aren’t open to question, or from social norms or pressures determined by, or handed down by, others. We have to find our truth – which comes from the inside and is the result of holding an open mind, genuine inquiry and listening at a deeper level. This will provide the foundation from which to assess the information – good and misguided – that comes our way.