releasing your inner power
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October 2024

Transformation…have you got the staying power?

Transforming an organisation is a familiar concept…at least intellectually and one often on the agenda of Boards and Exec Teams. There are any number of areas that arise as candidates…culture, governance, technology, processes, efficiency, profitability. The list goes on. For the most part, the focus will be on the symptoms and the approach will tend...

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Navigating uncertainty

Uncertainty breeds fear and that becomes a black hole, sucking in vast amounts of emotional and physical energy that could best be used in more productive and progressive ways. The shadow of uncertainty being cast across our world is entirely man made. After mostly surviving the cost of living crisis in the UK the rumours...

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Vulnerability is strength in action

Many will be aware of the well-known TED Talk given by Brené Brown on the power of vulnerability. Despite a growing focus on mental health in the world of work and a wider acceptance that being ‘strong’ all the time is unhealthy, we still seem to have a general struggle with how we step into...

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Intentional resilience

Resilience is surely one of the most important qualities for navigating the challenges of our chaotic and unpredictable world. We can see this in nature as the natural world recovers from the battering of climatic events. We can see it in human life as communities repair and rise again after natural or human-made disasters. We...

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Quality is the path to Beauty

For most people when they look at nature they can get in touch with a certain quality that emanates, whether that’s the huge landscapes and vistas that absorb all our senses, or the individual flower with its intricate design and radiant colour. We have an inbuilt affinity with the quality inherent in the design of...

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Getting out of receive mode

Mostly our world seems geared to receive mode. The amount of information we’re deluged with daily is testament to how little we have to do to get information. Or is it? We face a number of challenges here. With so much data coming at us we may become a little lazier, try less to access...

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