releasing your inner power
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Releasing your inner power Page 7 of 16

A leadership superpower

When we look at the ever-growing list of capabilities leaders need to lead well and consider the rapidly changing, uncertain and often ambiguous context in which organisations must operate the temptation to give up may be strong. Yet we know that’s not really an option. Of course no one can claim all the capabilities on...

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Diplomacy is key at every level of relationship

We know relationship can be tough as we navigate the many idiosyncrasies of the human condition. We can find ourselves ‘at odds’ with another person, another group or team, another organisation for any number of reasons and this can lead to a hunkering down, a sense of moral outrage or injustice, the blame game and...

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Same old or new and different?

We may bemoan the lack of talent when we’re looking to recruit. All the sages (and indicators) tell us there’s a shortage. Meanwhile we may express a need to bring fresh thinking into the team or organisation and commit to doing so. Then there’s the likelihood that we get caught in the urgency trap. Needing...

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Lifting toward a higher perspective

When we think about the work of leaders, we rightly have an expectation that they will have a wider, bigger, higher perspective. We imagine that they are so well connected and ‘read in’ to the major factors that may affect the well-being of the organisation that they are able to see new pathways that we...

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The competence trap

Competence can be a blessing and, if not exactly a curse, a hole we, as leaders, can easily fall into. How lucky we may count ourselves if all our team are highly competent. People who need little guidance to do their thing with excellence. We may feel it frees us to contribute at a higher...

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Cultivating the field

As a leader, how often do you stop and think about the quality of the field you are creating in your team, project, organisation? We define leadership in many ways and at the core of it lies our ability to engage the will, heart and qualities of all those participating in the collective endeavour. Of...

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Make the moment count

Most of us are guilty at one time or another of prioritising action over interaction. At times, usually in crisis, that may be needed. Mostly it’s not. We might notice excellence in the work of one of our colleagues yet fail to recognise it with them in the moment as the task list beckons us...

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In search of feminine qualities in leadership

If we want to thrive in today’s more volatile and dynamic world, we may wish to consider how we continue the journey to incorporate more feminine qualities within our leadership practise. Of course it’s very easy to become caught up in the polarities when speaking about a more feminine style of leadership. The temptation to...

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In service of a better world

It can be very easy as a business to wax lyrical about customer service and the importance of customers within the psyche of the organisation. At the same time, as customers we all have endless anecdotes and stories about very poor service alongside the occasional great service. Despite the fact that often we see service...

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Indulgence or worthwhile investment?

In a working world that is ‘always on’, how comfortable are we in allowing ourselves time out for self-reflection? Though it’s an invaluable investment aren’t we likely to put this on to the ‘get to later’ pile or on the ‘self-indulgent’ (and, therefore, never to be visited) pile. Yet here’s the thing, ‘booking a meeting...

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