releasing your inner power
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Releasing your inner power Page 9 of 16

The invisible web of interconnectedness

My Facebook feed is full of reminders that we are all connected. That what shapes as a thought in my mind will be transmitted even if I don’t speak it out loud. That what sits in my heart…love, anger, irritation, compassion…is radiating out and I have a responsibility to be aware and constructively transform anything...

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Organisations are living entities

We are seeing a welcome focus on employee well-being in our organisations these days. Admittedly some may argue that it’s still not sufficiently embedded into the culture especially in the face of economic, operational and human challenges. However, well-being, mental and physical especially, is slowly making its way onto our radar. For well-being to truly...

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If only we had more power

If only we had more power

Power is a central theme in our lives yet it has something of a bad rap. With some regularity we see abuses of power – it being wielded in a self-serving and destructive way. Individually we can feel powerless in the face of external factors in the system whether that’s the State, the economy or...

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Developing collective emotional maturity

Developing collective emotional maturity

Emotional intelligence is increasingly seen as a cornerstone of modern and successful leadership. Whilst some leaders excel instinctively in this area, most must embark on a conscious and lifelong journey to steadily increase their awareness, understanding and practise as they embrace not only emotional intelligence but convert that to emotional maturity. Any study or research...

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The power of perspective

The power of perspective

When we are operating from our wise space, we of course know that whatever is happening in the world, our life, our work, our leadership, there’s always the need for perspective. The value of seeing things from a variety of viewpoints or standpoints enables us to keep a sense of proportion. One of the core...

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The power of transitions

The power of transitions

Moving from one state to another is a critical part of transformation. We know that our world is facing many opportunities or provocations to transform on a profound level. Transforming the quality of our relationships locally, across communities and nations that we may truly base them in love, respect and goodwill. Transforming our attitudes to...

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The challenge of integrity

The challenge of integrity

Integrity is a quality that’s taken as a positive, highly prized and often associated with good leadership. Dictionaries define it as the quality of being honest with adherence to strong moral principles (our understanding of right and wrong). Yet we can be in integrity if our behaviours are consistent with our own morals even if...

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Short steps in the long game

Short steps in the long game

The script for organisational leaders says we should be focused on strategy, the big picture, the long term. And that’s true. Yet it ignores the chaotic, volatile world we inhabit, the one that sees headwinds and crosswinds colliding at every turn. Stable conditions are almost impossible to come by. So, if everything’s changing, seemingly in...

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What haven’t you used yet?

What haven’t you used yet?

This brilliant question was posed by the wonderful Louise Hallam and it’s a question that has the potential to take us very deep if we let it. When we think about the various development programmes we attend as leaders we are often seeking new skills, new competencies, new ways of enhancing our leadership impact. What...

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