Latter day heroes conjure up very clear archetypes of dragon slaying, evil beating, world saving on a vast scale. Romantic, seemingly invincible and invariably male, these heroes were the very epitome of courage and strong values. The courage needed in leadership today is no less great, but my sense is that its nature is quite...
The idea that there is a price to pay for everything can feel a little harsh and yet if we think about it, it’s true. Not necessarily in the sense of money but in the sense of consequences. Every choice we make, every plan we set in motion, every relationship we invest in sets off...
A recent blog from Seth Godin spoke of working to make things better being achieved in small steps rather than big bang, improvement coming incrementally and by repeating and repeating the steps. Of course, we can give impetus to those steps in the objectives or intentions we set…a process that’s a regular feature of organisational...
Wherever we look we’re surrounded by examples of service – the purely transactional of a service provided for which we pay (smile optional) through to the more noble and life impacting work of health and emergency services and the armed forces. In our own lives, when we really think about it, everything we do is...
When asked to describe the qualities and practices of leadership ‘leading by example’ is a phrase that will be often repeated. But does that cut it? We are in a time of election, not just here in the UK but across the world. European elections are taking place. India has recently completed its polls and...
In 1864, shortly after the American Civil War ended, President Abraham Lincoln, said in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins: ‘We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but...
We are taught to build and create not destroy. We learn about continuous improvement, as step by step we refine an idea, a project, a programme, an offering. Our focus is on making things better and at one level that makes perfect sense. However sometimes, we need to destroy something in order to build the...
When we think about the work of leaders, we rightly have an expectation that they will have a wider, bigger, higher perspective. We imagine that they are so well connected and ‘read in’ to the major factors that may affect the well-being of the organisation that they are able to see new pathways that we...
It can be very easy as a business to wax lyrical about customer service and the importance of customers within the psyche of the organisation. At the same time, as customers we all have endless anecdotes and stories about very poor service alongside the occasional great service. Despite the fact that often we see service...
The pandemic was possibly a once in a generation event (let’s hope so). And in that trial for the human family most businesses suffered. Many have survived and are now thriving once more. Others have gone to the wall. Why, we may ask. What sets some on the path to sustainability and the elevated path...