One of the key factors that we promote and seek to develop in high performing teams here at azzur is the ability for senior execs to work in the collective space, in which they move beyond their functional specialism and into being a ‘board’ where every member is truly functioning across all disciplines. This isn’t...
When we speak about teamwork and building a high performing team, it can be easy to be lulled into a false sense that it’s a walk in the park. That by undertaking a few team building exercises the group will achieve optimum performance. For sure, team building activities are useful and have their place in...
Reflecting on the feast of stellar performances during the Olympics and with similar to come with the Paralympics, so many of the sports are focused on pace – how fast, how much they have improved, whether pace matters or whether winning a medal is the goal. Pace is a word we hear consistently, daily in...
Emotional intelligence is increasingly seen as a cornerstone of modern and successful leadership. Whilst some leaders excel instinctively in this area, most must embark on a conscious and lifelong journey to steadily increase their awareness, understanding and practise as they embrace not only emotional intelligence but convert that to emotional maturity. Any study or research...
Have you ever really focused on what happens when people come together in a group? Imagine there’s a complex, knotty issue under discussion. How much of the energy is given to wrestling with the facts and solving the issue in a linear efficient mode, how much to the less visible knots and how much to...
There has never been a more pressing need to apply the principle of leadership as a team game. The challenges in our world grow daily, likewise the issues and complexity we face in the world of work and so the possibility that all the capabilities needed to navigate these ever-growing demands and complexities can be...
We all know what it feels like to work in a team or group where there is a tense undercurrent, where the communication isn’t open and smooth and where competition or fear, or both, infect the dynamics. Of course it’s the responsibility of the team leader to pay attention to these things although often they...
For much of our lives we are focused on fulfilling our potential as individuals. We are taught to express our physical and intellectual talents especially. If we are lucky, we may be supported to express and fulfil our desires, our love and our ideals. Over time, we hopefully come to a place where we have...