releasing your inner power
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Leadership Shots

The heart of elite performance

We can learn much about self-leadership and team work from the sporting jamboree happening now in Paris. Central to the Olympics are two ideals – that of Corinthian Spirit which is the embodiment of sportsmanship; and the Olympic motto…’Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together.’ For Corinthian Spirit in leading in organisations we can read ‘doing the...

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Putting ourselves in the best position

Euro 2024 recently threw up a moment of hen’s teeth rarity when Portugal captain Cristiano Ronaldo, a player known for his single-mindedness and ruthless goalscoring, passed to a colleague in a slightly better position to take the shot. His actions shifted the outcome from likely to certain as the goal was duly scored. In football...

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The gift of true listening

On the whole, most leaders either love the generally fast pace of corporate life or, if they don’t, have learnt how to work within it without being mown down by it. It can be exhilarating and full of passion and true creativity but more often than not it tends to result in an almost robotic...

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A gift for your leadership?

Time for reflection is often at a premium for leaders so as we approach the season of giving of ourselves to others we might also choose to give something of a gift to ourselves in the form of some time to reflect. That gift might be usefully spent considering what, over the past year, our...

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Effective distribution and enactment of power

When you look inside your organisation and the governance it’s applying do you see the right distribution of delegated authority. Over time it’s quite likely that authority to act becomes crystallised within the culture in a certain way with leaders. This can become further crystallised if there are prolonged crises (such as the recent pandemic...

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What comes first?

Often our most important work gets left until last – until it’s to late to do our best work. Until the issue has mushroomed or the time to realise the opportunity has evaporated. We only have to look at the world’s Government’s rowing back on climate change commitments to see this in action. Whether the...

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Diplomacy is key at every level of relationship

We know relationship can be tough as we navigate the many idiosyncrasies of the human condition. We can find ourselves ‘at odds’ with another person, another group or team, another organisation for any number of reasons and this can lead to a hunkering down, a sense of moral outrage or injustice, the blame game and...

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Same old or new and different?

We may bemoan the lack of talent when we’re looking to recruit. All the sages (and indicators) tell us there’s a shortage. Meanwhile we may express a need to bring fresh thinking into the team or organisation and commit to doing so. Then there’s the likelihood that we get caught in the urgency trap. Needing...

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In search of feminine qualities in leadership

If we want to thrive in today’s more volatile and dynamic world, we may wish to consider how we continue the journey to incorporate more feminine qualities within our leadership practise. Of course it’s very easy to become caught up in the polarities when speaking about a more feminine style of leadership. The temptation to...

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The problem with integrity

In order to place our trust in another one of the things we tend to do is weigh up the level of integrity we perceive. It’s a fascinating word, ‘integrity’, in that two definitions are offered by dictionaries – the first being wholeness and consistency and the second, as morally strong and honest. We might...

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