I’ve attended a few online sessions in the past couple of weeks. All of them promised learning (even in the fine print) yet turned out to be sales webinars aimed at getting people signed up for a range of support services or development programmes. Scanning the meeting Chat showed others were also feeling less than...
Choosing to step up and take responsibility is a powerful thing and something which, when done consciously and from a pure heart, brings forth great inner power which can also be very magnetic. If we consider the word responsibility itself, it is describing the ability to respond. At its highest level, to have the ability...
Curiosity doesn’t tend to be top of the competence pile when it comes to leaders or employees but perhaps it should be for it is a quality that drives the best possible outcomes and fuels progress. Of course, curiosity is a mind-set and it often gets parked in the interests of speed, efficiency and meeting...
Tenacity, resilience, powering on and through are qualities long admired in the workplace. The challenge we face is to be clear to what end and with what effect. If it’s just about staying upright and moving forward on what can feel like a treadmill of relentlessness we may be wasting these qualities, and energy, on...
Mostly our world seems geared to receive mode. The amount of information we’re deluged with daily is testament to how little we have to do to get information. Or is it? We face a number of challenges here. With so much data coming at us we may become a little lazier, try less to access...
Now we’re on the other side of our own national election in the UK we may be watching on with (at times horrified) fascination at the scenario playing out across the Atlantic as the US approaches another 4-year turn in its Presidency and Government. Back in Obama time there was a philosophy in his campaigning...
Work is probably the only place we are forced into relationship with others rather than having the freedom to choose. From day one in any role, at whatever level, there are people we need to relate to well to enable our contribution, to get things done, to create a culture where people feel valued, and...
It’s a question many employees may ask themselves from time to time. In March the latest Gallup poll suggested a concerning drop off in engagement over the four years since the start of the Pandemic especially among young and middle-age workers. Older millennials actively engaged in their work has fallen from 39 to 32% with...
The current news agenda is awash with stories of deficit in ethical behaviour among leaders – the Vietnamese businesswoman convicted this week of siphoning £billions from a bank she owns 90% of, multiple fraud cases against an ex and wannabe again US president, and the Post Office scandal rumbles loudly on. Ethics and morals can...
We could be forgiven for thinking big talk describes the kind of boastful and often unsubstantiated, self-aggrandising, other-blaming claims broadcast by leaders in the public eye. Let’s face it there’s a lot of this about and a particularly consistent example across the Pond. However, big talk is about something much deeper and higher and a...