releasing your inner power
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Self Leadership

No need to panic!

When things go wrong we can often get caught up in ‘panic mode’ For example, losing a credit card. Clearly a big issue if indeed it has been lost because of all the subsequent implications and risks. The question though is how does panicking help the situation. It clouds clear thinking. It creates stress which,...

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Owning our choices

We are making choices almost every second of the day even though it doesn’t feel that way because most are unconscious – automatic pilot we might say. Part of our inbuilt efficiency is to be able to operate from a place of habitual actions based on earlier choices made in another time and space. What...

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Wisdom – the confidence to dance with the unknown and unseen

One of the big steps in personal development and indeed leadership is our ability to access wisdom which the dictionary defines as ‘the ability to make good judgments based on what you have learned from your experience, or the knowledge and understanding that gives you this ability’. This definition though feels somewhat narrow as it...

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