releasing your inner power
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Self Leadership

The quality choice

It’s a little mind-blowing to think that in 2024 there are elections in 64 countries in the world, more so that 42 per cent of the world’s population are eligible to cast their vote…to choose the next leaders of their nations and, to an extent, the collective leadership of our world. So, many of us...

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New year, new standards

As 2023 drew to a close and a New Year dawned that thorny issue of standards in public life and leadership raised its head once more with the Baroness mired in the Covid/PPE scandal, the energy company boss stepping down for economy with the truth about relations with employees and, of course, the Post Office....

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The power of gratitude

We are often reminded about the power of gratitude but there is scientific evidence to show that it has both physical and psychological benefits. Benefits that stabilise our heart rate, calm our emotions and generate more optimism. Gratitude and Its Impact on the Brain and Body | Psychology Today Creating a habit of gratitude, like...

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A leadership superpower

When we look at the ever-growing list of capabilities leaders need to lead well and consider the rapidly changing, uncertain and often ambiguous context in which organisations must operate the temptation to give up may be strong. Yet we know that’s not really an option. Of course no one can claim all the capabilities on...

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Indulgence or worthwhile investment?

In a working world that is ‘always on’, how comfortable are we in allowing ourselves time out for self-reflection? Though it’s an invaluable investment aren’t we likely to put this on to the ‘get to later’ pile or on the ‘self-indulgent’ (and, therefore, never to be visited) pile. Yet here’s the thing, ‘booking a meeting...

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Blessings and optimism fuel performance

As leaders we may all too familiar with the call for ‘more’. Often accompanied by ‘faster’. The relentlessness of today’s working environment may not always leave time to appreciate what is being achieved already and to count our blessings. This may feel like an old-fashioned notion and yet being able to see the beauty, the...

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Stepping up to boundaries

In any healthy relationship boundaries are really important not because we are seeking to hide or be secretive, quite the opposite in fact because unless we are honest with ourselves about our own needs and capabilities, we cannot be in a healthy relationship with anything or anybody. And that’s the hard part – being willing...

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Our vital leadership minutes

Time for thinking, for reflection, for ordering our thoughts, reprioritising the ‘to do’ list, is often a casualty of the busy-ness of organisational life and its always-on, back-to-back nature. Yet time for reflection is essential to the quality of our leadership decisions and ensuing action. And it’s essential to ensure that pressure remains a useful...

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If only we had more power

If only we had more power

Power is a central theme in our lives yet it has something of a bad rap. With some regularity we see abuses of power – it being wielded in a self-serving and destructive way. Individually we can feel powerless in the face of external factors in the system whether that’s the State, the economy or...

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