releasing your inner power
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Dancing as our new normal

We already knew this yet the past few weeks have reminded us, starkly, that there’s little normal about our world anymore, little that we can rely on. The status quo is being upended daily, more so even than in pandemic times. Cowering behind the metaphorical sofa, assuming this will blow over, is an option but...

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Fix, control, or explore?

The problems that pop up daily, often unexpectedly, in life and work can put us in perpetual reactive mode – perpetual whack-a-mole. Conversely, proactivity – the ability to take control rather than just responding, acting in advance of future situations, is a much admired and often required quality in the workplace. Yet is it possible...

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Moving beyond the Boiled Frog Syndrome

Moving beyond the Boiled Frog Syndrome

I sometimes find myself referring to the story of the ‘Boiled Frog’ when reflecting on how easy it is for us to adapt to worsening circumstances. It’s a pretty grim allegory in reality and yet the evidence of its meaning is ever present in our world. On the one hand, it’s great that we are...

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