releasing your inner power
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The beauty and perils of traditions

In most well-intentioned organisations we strive toward building a culture founded on strong, well considered values and ethics. We consider the questions, who are we and how do we want to be? This motivation to build something meaningful to the majority typically gives rise to traditions. The habits, behaviours, practices that support the building of...

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Wondering about ‘wonder’

You may not believe in miracles. You may find yourself constantly amazed and in awe of the incredible wonder in our world. Maybe the night sky evokes wonder in you. Maybe seeing the light shining and sparkling through your child’s eyes activates that deep sense of awe and wonder… As adults, it can be hard...

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Getting out of receive mode

Mostly our world seems geared to receive mode. The amount of information we’re deluged with daily is testament to how little we have to do to get information. Or is it? We face a number of challenges here. With so much data coming at us we may become a little lazier, try less to access...

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Making relationship real

Work is probably the only place we are forced into relationship with others rather than having the freedom to choose. From day one in any role, at whatever level, there are people we need to relate to well to enable our contribution, to get things done, to create a culture where people feel valued, and...

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Leading by example?

When asked to describe the qualities and practices of leadership ‘leading by example’ is a phrase that will be often repeated. But does that cut it? We are in a time of election, not just here in the UK but across the world. European elections are taking place. India has recently completed its polls and...

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Do I matter?

It’s a question many employees may ask themselves from time to time. In March the latest Gallup poll suggested a concerning drop off in engagement over the four years since the start of the Pandemic especially among young and middle-age workers. Older millennials actively engaged in their work has fallen from 39 to 32% with...

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We need more big talk

We could be forgiven for thinking big talk describes the kind of boastful and often unsubstantiated, self-aggrandising, other-blaming claims broadcast by leaders in the public eye. Let’s face it there’s a lot of this about and a particularly consistent example across the Pond. However, big talk is about something much deeper and higher and a...

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Mastering the climate change on our doorstep

As world leaders, climate scientists and eco-experts and activists gather for COP 28 we might also consider that other climate change…the one on our doorstep and over which we have considerably more control and the ability to make positive change more quickly. The climate in our organisational world is undergoing change. Only a few years...

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How are you getting there?

Time was when the leader was cloaked in power, charisma, visionary capability, perhaps even a little showmanship. In essence it was all about the individual, about their star shining brightly. Times have changed and so has the world. In truth, back then but even more so now, great leadership is about the people we lead...

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Cultivating the field

As a leader, how often do you stop and think about the quality of the field you are creating in your team, project, organisation? We define leadership in many ways and at the core of it lies our ability to engage the will, heart and qualities of all those participating in the collective endeavour. Of...

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