releasing your inner power
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10 X bolder

Back in the day when Tesco was sweeping all before it its then CEO Sir Terry Leahy talked about setting audacious goals – many of which the business delivered. I was reminded of this idea in a recent conversation with @GuillermoRogel who talked about asking people to consider for themselves what a ‘10 X bolder’...

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All change?

‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ Charles Darwin The super temperatures and wild fires in Southern Europe, and other parts of the world, have shown us the need for change if we are to address our climate crisis. Conversely, we’ve...

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No time for fear

No time for fear

Fear is a vital factor in human survival…it protects us in the face of the ‘grizzly bears’ we encounter in life. The challenge though is to know when a fear-based response, running away, burying our heads etc. is the right response and when courage is what’s required.  Our systems are crumbling. Uncertainty is rife. Physical...

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