releasing your inner power
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Emotional Intelligence

Vulnerability is strength in action

Many will be aware of the well-known TED Talk given by Brené Brown on the power of vulnerability. Despite a growing focus on mental health in the world of work and a wider acceptance that being ‘strong’ all the time is unhealthy, we still seem to have a general struggle with how we step into...

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Thank you – the gift of gratitude

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” How often do you stop and really express your gratitude? It is so easy to get caught up in the many things that may be creating challenges in your day, your week, your life that the wonderful...

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The power of gratitude

We are often reminded about the power of gratitude but there is scientific evidence to show that it has both physical and psychological benefits. Benefits that stabilise our heart rate, calm our emotions and generate more optimism. Gratitude and Its Impact on the Brain and Body | Psychology Today Creating a habit of gratitude, like...

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Blessings and optimism fuel performance

As leaders we may all too familiar with the call for ‘more’. Often accompanied by ‘faster’. The relentlessness of today’s working environment may not always leave time to appreciate what is being achieved already and to count our blessings. This may feel like an old-fashioned notion and yet being able to see the beauty, the...

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Developing collective emotional maturity

Developing collective emotional maturity

Emotional intelligence is increasingly seen as a cornerstone of modern and successful leadership. Whilst some leaders excel instinctively in this area, most must embark on a conscious and lifelong journey to steadily increase their awareness, understanding and practise as they embrace not only emotional intelligence but convert that to emotional maturity. Any study or research...

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The power of perspective

The power of perspective

When we are operating from our wise space, we of course know that whatever is happening in the world, our life, our work, our leadership, there’s always the need for perspective. The value of seeing things from a variety of viewpoints or standpoints enables us to keep a sense of proportion. One of the core...

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Bringing light to the dark

Bringing light to the dark

According to Fast Company, reporting on the positioning of the latest range of Apple watches, Apple ‘used to sell wonder, now it sells fear.’ This new range is supposedly about helping us survive the challenges of a difficult and uncertain world. Sure we are living in tough times yet the more we buy into this...

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Optimism required

Optimism required

When times are tough (could they be any tougher than now?) accentuating the positive might seem like a fool’s errand. As a leader being relentlessly positive and encouraging the same in others may feel out of touch, lacking empathy, ‘Pollyanna-ish’. An optimistic mind-set doesn’t preclude empathy rather it brings a different focus to our challenges,...

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Steadying the inner balance

Steadying the inner balance

We know that physical balance is important in life – it enables us to move with confidence in the world without a sensation of dizziness, instability or indeed actually falling over. Some of us even consciously work on this physical stability by strengthening our core muscles and providing our bodies with a strong base. We...

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