releasing your inner power
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Leadership Qualities

A question of progress

Curiosity doesn’t tend to be top of the competence pile when it comes to leaders or employees but perhaps it should be for it is a quality that drives the best possible outcomes and fuels progress. Of course, curiosity is a mind-set and it often gets parked in the interests of speed, efficiency and meeting...

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Quality is the path to Beauty

For most people when they look at nature they can get in touch with a certain quality that emanates, whether that’s the huge landscapes and vistas that absorb all our senses, or the individual flower with its intricate design and radiant colour. We have an inbuilt affinity with the quality inherent in the design of...

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The heart of elite performance

We can learn much about self-leadership and team work from the sporting jamboree happening now in Paris. Central to the Olympics are two ideals – that of Corinthian Spirit which is the embodiment of sportsmanship; and the Olympic motto…’Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together.’ For Corinthian Spirit in leading in organisations we can read ‘doing the...

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Crossing our own internal threshold toward true leadership

Running a ‘Leadership Lab’ last week with 30 people was a truly inspiring moment. It was building on two international conferences where we are exploring the principles of ‘new’ Leadership. In the Leadership Lab participants spoke of how they had stepped forward, across an internal threshold to assume an even greater level of presence, visibility...

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New year, new standards

As 2023 drew to a close and a New Year dawned that thorny issue of standards in public life and leadership raised its head once more with the Baroness mired in the Covid/PPE scandal, the energy company boss stepping down for economy with the truth about relations with employees and, of course, the Post Office....

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A leadership superpower

When we look at the ever-growing list of capabilities leaders need to lead well and consider the rapidly changing, uncertain and often ambiguous context in which organisations must operate the temptation to give up may be strong. Yet we know that’s not really an option. Of course no one can claim all the capabilities on...

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What haven’t you used yet?

What haven’t you used yet?

This brilliant question was posed by the wonderful Louise Hallam and it’s a question that has the potential to take us very deep if we let it. When we think about the various development programmes we attend as leaders we are often seeking new skills, new competencies, new ways of enhancing our leadership impact. What...

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Inner Leadership

Inner Leadership

With so much written about leadership we can all be forgiven for passing on by when another blog or article arrives on this subject. And yet leadership is so vital to our evolutionary success as an individual and as a collective (family, community, business, nation, Humanity as a whole and beyond) that in truth we...

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