Most of us are guilty at one time or another of prioritising action over interaction. At times, usually in crisis, that may be needed. Mostly it’s not. We might notice excellence in the work of one of our colleagues yet fail to recognise it with them in the moment as the task list beckons us...
If we look for it, we can find evidence of our deep interconnectedness to all things every single day. Whether it be as old friends and contacts pop back into our lives and we realise they were ‘always there really’ or when we take a business decision thinking we’ve fully considered its range of outcomes...
In the week since my friend and colleague @LorraineFlower and I published our second book – Heartful Business: leading with the world in mind – we’ve been on the receiving end of others’ generosity in supporting its first steps out into the world for which we are immensely grateful. This well of support got me...
Leading by example is one of the oft quoted qualities needed of effective leaders but isn’t it missing something…the word good as in leading by good example? Leadership is a 24/7 commitment, a way of being as well as doing. Everything we do and say, the attitudes we hold, our presence, are being experienced and...
I came across a definition of love the other day that was offered by Burt Hellinger, the godfather of family constellation therapy. It is a definition that offers food for thought in a leadership and organisational context. LOVE = SEEING + DISTANCE – JUDGEMENT This definition of love offers much food for thought and some...
Canadian e-commerce giant Shopify recently became the latest organisation to take an axe to meetings. All recurring meetings with more than two people have been banned, Wednesdays are meeting free and big meetings – of 50+ people – have to fit a six-hour window on Thursdays and are limited to one a week. You may...