releasing your inner power
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Releasing your inner power Page 13 of 16
The path not taken – evaluating our choices

The path not taken – evaluating our choices

How often do you find yourself reflecting on the path not taken? Maybe it’s with curiosity, regret or perhaps relief. On a personal level we are of course faced with many choices and decisions and in each moment, we hopefully do our best to consider all the consequences and impacts – on us and others....

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A mindful revolution

A mindful revolution

I was musing with a friend in the past few days over the state of the world and how we might fix/save it. Dramatic as that may sound it’s a question that already concerns many and should concern us all. Central to our musing was what cataclysmic event would galvanise us into the action needed,...

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A leadership challenge

A leadership challenge

There are, as we know, a plethora of leadership models, frameworks, qualities and quotes that define leadership, and we can be forgiven for being somewhat confused about what the definitive description of leadership really is. To come to new answers or insights on this question it is important to elevate the thinking beyond the conditioning...

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Stepping up into Service

Stepping up into Service

If like me you are a fan of period dramas you will have a visceral sense of the hierarchy associated with the notion of service – a system where the so called lesser are in service of the so called greater. Even though in many ways (though for sure not all) our society in the...

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Optimism required

Optimism required

When times are tough (could they be any tougher than now?) accentuating the positive might seem like a fool’s errand. As a leader being relentlessly positive and encouraging the same in others may feel out of touch, lacking empathy, ‘Pollyanna-ish’. An optimistic mind-set doesn’t preclude empathy rather it brings a different focus to our challenges,...

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The new leadership archetypes

The new leadership archetypes

The number of leadership archetypes that exist within our cultures is extensive. We have the hero knight, benevolent king, the powerful protector, the tyrant, the gracious queen, the sage and the maverick plus many more. More often than not when we speak of leadership we are often referring to a hierarchical position, someone senior or...

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What should we believe?

What should we believe?

The level of misinformation surrounding us these days is so pervasive and toxic that it’s possible to lose all sense of equilibrium and ‘truth’ even when exchanging views with long-standing friends and colleagues. Of course, truth can be both factual and perceptual. For example, there are many ‘truths’ or what we might call ‘deep knowing’...

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Embracing the team game

Embracing the team game

There has never been a more pressing need to apply the principle of leadership as a team game. The challenges in our world grow daily, likewise the issues and complexity we face in the world of work and so the possibility that all the capabilities needed to navigate these ever-growing demands and complexities can be...

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Freedoms and responsibilities

Freedoms and responsibilities

Freedom is a basic human right and one that should be protected. With freedom, of course, comes responsibility and consequences. Whether it’s in our own personal lives, in our communities or organisations we all expect (at least in the Western democracies) to live our lives with full freedom. But what does that really mean? We...

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