releasing your inner power
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Releasing your inner power Page 8 of 16

All the time, or never enough?

Some of us feel like we never have enough time. Others seem, magically, to be able to stretch or even manufacture time to meet all their commitments gracefully. If we’re in the former category suggesting that the availability or elasticity of time is a mind-set might just create a point of tension. Yet our attitude,...

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Blessings and optimism fuel performance

As leaders we may all too familiar with the call for ‘more’. Often accompanied by ‘faster’. The relentlessness of today’s working environment may not always leave time to appreciate what is being achieved already and to count our blessings. This may feel like an old-fashioned notion and yet being able to see the beauty, the...

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All change?

‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ Charles Darwin The super temperatures and wild fires in Southern Europe, and other parts of the world, have shown us the need for change if we are to address our climate crisis. Conversely, we’ve...

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What’s the ‘permission’ you’re giving?

Leading by example is one of the oft quoted qualities needed of effective leaders but isn’t it missing something…the word good as in leading by good example? Leadership is a 24/7 commitment, a way of being as well as doing. Everything we do and say, the attitudes we hold, our presence, are being experienced and...

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The alchemy of leadership

In many psychometric surveys designed to consider aspects of leadership, there are often questions that reveal the degree to which a person naturally gravitates toward the front of any group. Not because of ego but because of an inbuilt or developed sense of responsibility, accountability and, what we eventually come to call leadership. Even when...

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Boundless accountability

What is our accountability and responsibility to step fully into our leadership capability in service of a better world? Some might argue that there are different responses to accountability and responsibility and that’s true if we consider leadership in a formal, positional sense. But what if we deeply acknowledge our fundamental identity as leaders, regardless...

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Stepping up to boundaries

In any healthy relationship boundaries are really important not because we are seeking to hide or be secretive, quite the opposite in fact because unless we are honest with ourselves about our own needs and capabilities, we cannot be in a healthy relationship with anything or anybody. And that’s the hard part – being willing...

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The simple life

We live in a complex world, navigating complex issues seemingly at every turn. So, we must take care not to add to that complication. It’s an easy trap to fall into…to over engineer what we do and how. Whether that’s stacking the messages in our communication, seeking a more complex solution when the obvious will...

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Agreeing a new way of being

After its upending by the pandemic the world of work has begun to settle in a different place with hybrid working a common feature of many workplaces. But is everything rosy in this brave new world? There are inherent challenges emerging in the hybrid model. Many employees have become used to the freedom to handle...

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Our vital leadership minutes

Time for thinking, for reflection, for ordering our thoughts, reprioritising the ‘to do’ list, is often a casualty of the busy-ness of organisational life and its always-on, back-to-back nature. Yet time for reflection is essential to the quality of our leadership decisions and ensuing action. And it’s essential to ensure that pressure remains a useful...

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