I’ve attended a few online sessions in the past couple of weeks. All of them promised learning (even in the fine print) yet turned out to be sales webinars aimed at getting people signed up for a range of support services or development programmes. Scanning the meeting Chat showed others were also feeling less than...
The idea that there is a price to pay for everything can feel a little harsh and yet if we think about it, it’s true. Not necessarily in the sense of money but in the sense of consequences. Every choice we make, every plan we set in motion, every relationship we invest in sets off...
Reflecting on the feast of stellar performances during the Olympics and with similar to come with the Paralympics, so many of the sports are focused on pace – how fast, how much they have improved, whether pace matters or whether winning a medal is the goal. Pace is a word we hear consistently, daily in...
It’s a little mind-blowing to think that in 2024 there are elections in 64 countries in the world, more so that 42 per cent of the world’s population are eligible to cast their vote…to choose the next leaders of their nations and, to an extent, the collective leadership of our world. So, many of us...
In 1864, shortly after the American Civil War ended, President Abraham Lincoln, said in a letter to Col. William F. Elkins: ‘We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood … It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but...
When you look inside your organisation and the governance it’s applying do you see the right distribution of delegated authority. Over time it’s quite likely that authority to act becomes crystallised within the culture in a certain way with leaders. This can become further crystallised if there are prolonged crises (such as the recent pandemic...
Often our most important work gets left until last – until it’s to late to do our best work. Until the issue has mushroomed or the time to realise the opportunity has evaporated. We only have to look at the world’s Government’s rowing back on climate change commitments to see this in action. Whether the...
When we think about the work of leaders, we rightly have an expectation that they will have a wider, bigger, higher perspective. We imagine that they are so well connected and ‘read in’ to the major factors that may affect the well-being of the organisation that they are able to see new pathways that we...
Leading by example is one of the oft quoted qualities needed of effective leaders but isn’t it missing something…the word good as in leading by good example? Leadership is a 24/7 commitment, a way of being as well as doing. Everything we do and say, the attitudes we hold, our presence, are being experienced and...
We live in a complex world, navigating complex issues seemingly at every turn. So, we must take care not to add to that complication. It’s an easy trap to fall into…to over engineer what we do and how. Whether that’s stacking the messages in our communication, seeking a more complex solution when the obvious will...