releasing your inner power
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Greater good
Valuing the same and different

Valuing the same and different

The world over we can see conflict from the macro – nations bearing arms against each other, with catastrophic human cost – to the micro – sharp words exchanged between those who know each other, as well as those who don’t. Though the disputed ‘territory’ will be different in each case and the damage substantially...

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Stepping into daring

Stepping into daring…

One of the side effects for many of the prolonged ‘lockdowns’ that I’ve heard mentioned, and indeed notice in myself, is a tendency toward becoming ‘settled’ or institutionalised in non-action. Whether it’s the simple things like getting on a train or plane, going to a restaurant or back to the physical workplace or something bigger...

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Opening to receive – feminine leadership

Opening to receive – feminine leadership

So many of the attributes often associated with great leadership come from the masculine energy dimension – action, logic, boldness, physical strength, discipline, self-control and so on. These attributes have facilitated many great achievements in the hands of some leaders and wrought unhelpful destruction in the hands of others when taken to extremes. At this...

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The significance of group dynamics

The significance of group dynamics

We all know what it feels like to work in a team or group where there is a tense undercurrent, where the communication isn’t open and smooth and where competition or fear, or both, infect the dynamics. Of course it’s the responsibility of the team leader to pay attention to these things although often they...

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Working joyfully

Working joyfully

Have you ever considered what it could look like to be truly joyful in your work. What if those who lead were committed to cultivating a joyful workplace. Joy isn’t a word we often hear associated with the world of work. In fact, so often it’s the opposite – sometimes a huge sigh, for others...

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What does ‘service’ mean to you?

What does ‘service’ mean to you?

I’ve spent over 40 years in the service industry, and this is both a blessing and at times a curse. It means that I’m acutely aware of the principles behind excellent service and the importance of the customer, and it also means that service failures I encounter along the way are tricky to tolerate. However,...

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Time to be our own heroes

Time to be our own heroes

Though I don’t imagine President Biden fetched the items from storage himself it was interesting to note the leaders he reintroduced to the Oval Office on day one – busts of Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks and Robert F Kennedy, all prime movers in Civil Rights. The portraits of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln...

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