Latter day heroes conjure up very clear archetypes of dragon slaying, evil beating, world saving on a vast scale. Romantic, seemingly invincible and invariably male, these heroes were the very epitome of courage and strong values. The courage needed in leadership today is no less great, but my sense is that its nature is quite...
If we want to thrive in today’s more volatile and dynamic world, we may wish to consider how we continue the journey to incorporate more feminine qualities within our leadership practise. Of course it’s very easy to become caught up in the polarities when speaking about a more feminine style of leadership. The temptation to...
It’s a real challenge isn’t it! In these tough times when there’s so much pain and suffering and so many atrocities on every level of human existence. The temptation when we feel pain is to shut down, protect the heart and avoid the causes of the pain. What if we thought about pain differently –...
The pandemic was possibly a once in a generation event (let’s hope so). And in that trial for the human family most businesses suffered. Many have survived and are now thriving once more. Others have gone to the wall. Why, we may ask. What sets some on the path to sustainability and the elevated path...
I came across a definition of love the other day that was offered by Burt Hellinger, the godfather of family constellation therapy. It is a definition that offers food for thought in a leadership and organisational context. LOVE = SEEING + DISTANCE – JUDGEMENT This definition of love offers much food for thought and some...
I sometimes wonder if it’s a past life as some sort of self-obsessed dictator that makes me so passionate about the responsibilities of leadership in this lifetime (needing to deal with past karma perhaps). Whatever the reason, leadership, a much-used word and often misunderstood practice is something that in different ways we all have within...