releasing your inner power
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February 2023
Spirit and matter: refining action in our world

Spirit and matter: refining action in our world

It’s still not widely acceptable to speak of spirituality or philosophy in a business or organisational context despite the fact that of course it exists because each one of us holds their own ‘philosophy’ and perspective on the meaning of ‘Life’ in the big ‘L’ sense. Reading a very small amount recently about the very...

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Mediocre or magical?

Mediocre or magical?

The pandemic was possibly a once in a generation event (let’s hope so). And in that trial for the human family most businesses suffered. Many have survived and are now thriving once more. Others have gone to the wall. Why, we may ask. What sets some on the path to sustainability and the elevated path...

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Inner Leadership

Inner Leadership

With so much written about leadership we can all be forgiven for passing on by when another blog or article arrives on this subject. And yet leadership is so vital to our evolutionary success as an individual and as a collective (family, community, business, nation, Humanity as a whole and beyond) that in truth we...

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The self-investment we must afford

The self-investment we must afford

In our ‘always on’ world the loading on our senses and emotions can feel like an onslaught. And the stimuli and provocation keep coming. We may find ourselves reacting in ways that are out of proportion to the situation or to how we would if we were less overloaded, whether that’s ‘lashing out’ or shutting...

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Practical love in leadership

Practical love in leadership

I came across a definition of love the other day that was offered by Burt Hellinger, the godfather of family constellation therapy. It is a definition that offers food for thought in a leadership and organisational context. LOVE = SEEING + DISTANCE – JUDGEMENT This definition of love offers much food for thought and some...

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Optimism or realism?

Optimism or realism?

We all live somewhere on the optimism-realism-pessimism spectrum likely depending on our upbringing and subsequent life experience. The daily headlines right now would, of course, challenge even the most optimistic of us yet buying into this ‘doom’ or sinking ever deeper into it isn’t helpful. Tending our thoughts and words is vital right now in...

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