releasing your inner power
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Leadership Shots

All the time, or never enough?

Some of us feel like we never have enough time. Others seem, magically, to be able to stretch or even manufacture time to meet all their commitments gracefully. If we’re in the former category suggesting that the availability or elasticity of time is a mind-set might just create a point of tension. Yet our attitude,...

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Boundless accountability

What is our accountability and responsibility to step fully into our leadership capability in service of a better world? Some might argue that there are different responses to accountability and responsibility and that’s true if we consider leadership in a formal, positional sense. But what if we deeply acknowledge our fundamental identity as leaders, regardless...

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The simple life

We live in a complex world, navigating complex issues seemingly at every turn. So, we must take care not to add to that complication. It’s an easy trap to fall into…to over engineer what we do and how. Whether that’s stacking the messages in our communication, seeking a more complex solution when the obvious will...

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The invisible web of interconnectedness

My Facebook feed is full of reminders that we are all connected. That what shapes as a thought in my mind will be transmitted even if I don’t speak it out loud. That what sits in my heart…love, anger, irritation, compassion…is radiating out and I have a responsibility to be aware and constructively transform anything...

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The power of transitions

The power of transitions

Moving from one state to another is a critical part of transformation. We know that our world is facing many opportunities or provocations to transform on a profound level. Transforming the quality of our relationships locally, across communities and nations that we may truly base them in love, respect and goodwill. Transforming our attitudes to...

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Pragmatic or aspirational?

Pragmatic or aspirational?

ragmatic or aspirational is a preoccupying paradox for leaders in these challenging times. Uncertainty brings an urge to control, to proceed with caution, to keep our heads down and focus on the task in hand. It’s a useful strategy, to an extent. Things still get done, the practical day-to-day stuff. Yet it can also be...

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Leadership wealth comes from diversity

Leadership wealth comes from diversity

There’s a big focus on the feminine in leadership in these times and rightly so. International Women’s Day brought the focus onto women from a gender perspective – inviting us to think about the qualities and successes of women across the globe. The intensified efforts under the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion banner in organisations is...

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Keeping the heart open

Keeping the heart open

It’s a real challenge isn’t it! In these tough times when there’s so much pain and suffering and so many atrocities on every level of human existence. The temptation when we feel pain is to shut down, protect the heart and avoid the causes of the pain. What if we thought about pain differently –...

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The androgynous leader

The androgynous leader

It seems appropriate in a week when we have just celebrated International Women’s Day to consider the qualities women may bring to leadership be that political, organisational, community or indeed closer to home in the family. Research points to organisations with greater gender diversity in leadership and Exec roles outperforming those organisations with less diversity....

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Spirit and matter: refining action in our world

Spirit and matter: refining action in our world

It’s still not widely acceptable to speak of spirituality or philosophy in a business or organisational context despite the fact that of course it exists because each one of us holds their own ‘philosophy’ and perspective on the meaning of ‘Life’ in the big ‘L’ sense. Reading a very small amount recently about the very...

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