releasing your inner power
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Leading Others

How are you getting there?

Time was when the leader was cloaked in power, charisma, visionary capability, perhaps even a little showmanship. In essence it was all about the individual, about their star shining brightly. Times have changed and so has the world. In truth, back then but even more so now, great leadership is about the people we lead...

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The competence trap

Competence can be a blessing and, if not exactly a curse, a hole we, as leaders, can easily fall into. How lucky we may count ourselves if all our team are highly competent. People who need little guidance to do their thing with excellence. We may feel it frees us to contribute at a higher...

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Make the moment count

Most of us are guilty at one time or another of prioritising action over interaction. At times, usually in crisis, that may be needed. Mostly it’s not. We might notice excellence in the work of one of our colleagues yet fail to recognise it with them in the moment as the task list beckons us...

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On generosity

In the week since my friend and colleague @LorraineFlower and I published our second book – Heartful Business: leading with the world in mind – we’ve been on the receiving end of others’ generosity in supporting its first steps out into the world for which we are immensely grateful. This well of support got me...

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All change?

‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ Charles Darwin The super temperatures and wild fires in Southern Europe, and other parts of the world, have shown us the need for change if we are to address our climate crisis. Conversely, we’ve...

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What’s the ‘permission’ you’re giving?

Leading by example is one of the oft quoted qualities needed of effective leaders but isn’t it missing something…the word good as in leading by good example? Leadership is a 24/7 commitment, a way of being as well as doing. Everything we do and say, the attitudes we hold, our presence, are being experienced and...

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Agreeing a new way of being

After its upending by the pandemic the world of work has begun to settle in a different place with hybrid working a common feature of many workplaces. But is everything rosy in this brave new world? There are inherent challenges emerging in the hybrid model. Many employees have become used to the freedom to handle...

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Why we mustn’t get lost in translation

Why we mustn’t get lost in translation

We can go on holiday. We can’t go on holiday. We can travel to green list countries but they might be on the watch list so they might have gone amber before the plane wheels touch the tarmac. We can mix with others…well as long as they are in our bubble, or they are six...

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