releasing your inner power
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New Leadership

Skilling up for a better world

As we head into a new year we may be reading about the challenges leaders have identified as most important for the year ahead. These will often be couched as the top five/ten leadership dilemmas for 2025. Though given the climate organisations are operating in – social, environmental, economic, political – there are many more...

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Boundless accountability

What is our accountability and responsibility to step fully into our leadership capability in service of a better world? Some might argue that there are different responses to accountability and responsibility and that’s true if we consider leadership in a formal, positional sense. But what if we deeply acknowledge our fundamental identity as leaders, regardless...

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Spirit and matter: refining action in our world

Spirit and matter: refining action in our world

It’s still not widely acceptable to speak of spirituality or philosophy in a business or organisational context despite the fact that of course it exists because each one of us holds their own ‘philosophy’ and perspective on the meaning of ‘Life’ in the big ‘L’ sense. Reading a very small amount recently about the very...

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Mediocre or magical?

Mediocre or magical?

The pandemic was possibly a once in a generation event (let’s hope so). And in that trial for the human family most businesses suffered. Many have survived and are now thriving once more. Others have gone to the wall. Why, we may ask. What sets some on the path to sustainability and the elevated path...

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Inner Leadership

Inner Leadership

With so much written about leadership we can all be forgiven for passing on by when another blog or article arrives on this subject. And yet leadership is so vital to our evolutionary success as an individual and as a collective (family, community, business, nation, Humanity as a whole and beyond) that in truth we...

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Getting creative in group work

Getting creative in group work

Have you ever really focused on what happens when people come together in a group? Imagine there’s a complex, knotty issue under discussion. How much of the energy is given to wrestling with the facts and solving the issue in a linear efficient mode, how much to the less visible knots and how much to...

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