releasing your inner power
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Releasing your inner power Page 14 of 16
Dazzle doesn’t work

Dazzle doesn’t work

We often find ourselves dazzled by the ‘brightness’ of others and fail to notice the lack of substance under the sparkle, hype, positive words. As we’re finding in the UK our seemingly ‘feel good’, everything’s positive PM notably dazzled many of the electorate when we should have been seeking something more sober, substantial, stable. This...

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We can all change the game

We can all change the game

Game changer is a small phrase with big impact, prompting visions of world altering change. Recent corporate history is populated by game changing leaders…Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos to name a few. Their vision and tenacity have affected millions, though not necessarily always for good. Creating such a legacy for many of us may...

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What is fairness?

What is fairness?

As leaders these days we are rightly expected to be well versed in fairness. Ensuring that we make fair decisions, create fair opportunities (as well as equal access) for our colleagues and co-workers, and that we address any inequities that may come to our attention. But have you ever considered what fairness really means? The...

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Valuing the same and different

Valuing the same and different

The world over we can see conflict from the macro – nations bearing arms against each other, with catastrophic human cost – to the micro – sharp words exchanged between those who know each other, as well as those who don’t. Though the disputed ‘territory’ will be different in each case and the damage substantially...

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Stepping into daring

Stepping into daring…

One of the side effects for many of the prolonged ‘lockdowns’ that I’ve heard mentioned, and indeed notice in myself, is a tendency toward becoming ‘settled’ or institutionalised in non-action. Whether it’s the simple things like getting on a train or plane, going to a restaurant or back to the physical workplace or something bigger...

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Opening to receive – feminine leadership

Opening to receive – feminine leadership

So many of the attributes often associated with great leadership come from the masculine energy dimension – action, logic, boldness, physical strength, discipline, self-control and so on. These attributes have facilitated many great achievements in the hands of some leaders and wrought unhelpful destruction in the hands of others when taken to extremes. At this...

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The power and imperative of perspective

The power and imperative of perspective

It’s so easy to become locked in our own worldview. In our defence we’ve probably cultivated it over years of experience and processing of ‘information’ that has served us well in navigating the various twists and turns of life. The challenge of course is the one of assumptions and mental models…both of which can create...

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Steadying the inner balance

Steadying the inner balance

We know that physical balance is important in life – it enables us to move with confidence in the world without a sensation of dizziness, instability or indeed actually falling over. Some of us even consciously work on this physical stability by strengthening our core muscles and providing our bodies with a strong base. We...

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Boundaries and the art of saying no

Boundaries and the art of saying no

Earlier this week we learned that The Oldie magazine wanted to name HM The Queen its ‘Oldie of the Year’, an honour she declined in quite brilliant fashion. The letter from her private secretary read: ‘Her Majesty believes you are as old as you feel, as such The Queen does not believe she meets the...

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